Tech Tip: How to Order a Light Pole

Our Light Pole Systems Team strives to make ordering light poles as easy as possible, but there are a few questions we will ask to make sure the pole is exactly what you need when it gets to the job site, rather than sending a pole and figuring it out later.


The info we will need is:

•         Light pole height

•         Material: steel or aluminum

•         Size, shape, and thickness: 4” round 7gauge, 5” square 11 gauge ect

•         Existing anchor bolt circle and size; If new, do you want anchor bolts

•         Pole Color

•         Any fixture mounting needs

•         Any other custom additions


If you don’t know the strength requirements, (Steel vs aluminum, size, shape, and thickness) we will ask a few more questions to provide the best solution for your need.

•         Where the pole is being installed: We need to know this to determine the wind speed in that area

•         How many fixtures and what is the EPA of the fixtures per pole: We can find or figure EPA from the fixture spec sheet.


These will tell us how strong the pole needs to be based on the fixtures you are using and the wind speed in your area. From there, we can determine the material, size, shape, and thickness that is best for your application.


If you don’t know what fixtures are best, we also provide turn key packages with fixtures. We regularly ship poles, single or large quantity, across the country for single pole replacements or new installs.